How to Hire the Best ReactJS Developers: Insider Secrets to Know

by Developers for Hire
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Among JavaScript libraries, ReactJS has the most vibrant developer community and is widely used by US businesses. ReactJS is a potent JavaScript library that is used by 50.4% of respondents, according to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023. This demonstrates how ReactJS’s virtual DOM, component-based design, and wide ecosystem have made it a popular option for front-end development across sectors. 

However, the inability to locate the correct match at a reasonable salary is a dilemma for multinational corporations due to the increased demand for reactjs engineers. This article will discuss how to handle pay rises brought on by project demand, what to look out for, and how to hire ReactJS engineers offshore from India. 

In addition to discussing compensation expectation, this react developer recruiting guide will provide other approaches to deal with the scarcity. 

Salary Increase for ReactJS Developers in 2024: Current Hiring Situation Project: Supply and Demand Difference 

Salary pressure from a lack of qualified ReactJS engineers in the US is increasing. The need for web developers, including ReactJS developers, is explained to expand by 13% between 2023 and 2033, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics projections, further increasing the skill gap. 

In September 2023, the mean base pay for a ReactJS developer in the United States was $122,459. This is a 6.4% rise from the previous year. The need for companies to recruit the best developers on the market has contributed to this surge. These areas have reported seeing a similar trend:


Australia’s pay for ReactJS developers have increased steadily, much as those in the US. As of October 2023, the average base income in Australia for a ReactJS developer is $110,000 AUD, according to This suggests that there may be a talent scarcity due to a rise in demand. 


According to Glassdoor’s November 2023 report, the average base income for a ReactJS developer in the UK is £55,000 annually. However, depending on variables like geography, experience, and company size, wage ranges may differ dramatically. The greatest incomes are found in London, where top developers may over £100,000 annually. 


ReactJS developer wages vary by country, but generally speaking, they are less in Europe than they are in the US and the UK. For example, the average annual wage in Germany is around €60,000, whereas it is closer to €40,000 in Spain.

It may become more difficult to recruit and keep talented developers locally if more alluring pay are given abroad. This might make it more difficult for the business to develop and innovate and result in a talent scarcity. 

What Steps Are There to Solve the ReactJs Developer Shortage Issues with Salary Demand and Alternative Solutions? 

Forecasting a shortage of 85 million skilled workers by 2030, Korn Ferry highlights the widening gap between the supply and demand for talent. Employers are actively using a variety of tactics and looking into alternative solutions in response to rising wage expectations and a skills scarcity.

Provide Attractive Compensation and Benefits

In response to the growing need for local ReactJS developers, several businesses are providing competitive pay, incentives, and alluring benefits. Nevertheless, this strategy presents difficulties for more than 61.2% of bootstrapped tech and digital businesses, who must contend with margin pressure while still trying to pay highly qualified engineers what they deserve. 

Employee Upskilling


Companies are concentrating on two key strategies to tackle the second issue; training new skills for their present staff and searching overseas for developers. To assist their current staff in learning new skills, they are devoting time and resources to training initiatives. The problem with this is that it takes time, and during that period the business can lose customers or fall behind on tasks.

Employ Outside of Boundaries

Due to a lack of talent and restricted access to broader geographic areas, over 69% of US organizations are having difficulty hiring qualified ReactJS engineers. In order to overcome this difficulty, 52% of businesses are employing engineers remotely from nations like India. But there are drawbacks as well, such as the need for appropriate procedures and a lack of offshore employment techniques. Some wind up wasting excessive time on the recruiting process, employing unsuitable developers (both technically and culturally), or collaborating with companies that lack business acumen. 

Companies are generally making a lot of effort to compensate their developers well and are searching for innovative approaches to bring on talented engineers. It’s not always simple, however. We’ll discuss factors that influence ReactJS engineers’ pay in the next section, along with advice on how to hire developers from various nations. 

Methods of Hiring Reactjs Developers Offshore for Employers

There are many ways to hire ReactJS developers remotely; the following describes each approach:

 Employment Boards

Although job portals like Indeed and LinkedIn are helpful for recruiting people from abroad, this method is unstructured. It becomes time-consuming and often has a low success rate in terms of both hiring and retention if resume screening and a structured interview procedure are unfamiliar to you. 

Employing & Staffing Organizations

Although these organizations help with the screening process, recruiters are often in charge of handling their payroll and IT support. Furthermore, the way these bodies handle collective payments and their procedures are often opaque. 

Independent Contractors

While freelancers might be helpful for short-term tasks, this may not be the best choice for you if you want to engage someone who will work on your projects full-time without worrying about timely delivery. 


Internal Recruiting and Staff Recommendations

Whether via employee recommendations or in-house recruitment, it is advised to make sure that a comprehensive check is required at every stage when using a do-it-yourself strategy to offshore employment. This checks all the boxes for offshore remote hiring and guarantees that the ideal individual is chosen, one who is in line with the goals and objectives of your business. 

Platforms for EOR 

Payroll and onboarding are aided by EOR systems, but personnel sourcing may not be. Businesses often need to figure out how to get the proper personnel, which is sometimes a difficult nut to crack. 

Employing Websites  

Businesses that have never hired someone from abroad before, are having trouble finding the ideal candidates, or are having trouble keeping staff members on board have to think about collaborating with recruiting platforms. These systems may provide full support, from the first stage of finding pre-screened people to managing payroll, streamlining onboarding, and guaranteeing legal compliance. 

 Five Pointers to Consider When Hiring Reactjs Developers Offshore + Salary-Affecting Factors 

Here are some pointers on aspects influencing salary and recruiting ReactJS engineers from abroad:

Recognize the Skills You Need

Determine precisely what talents your ReactJS project needs before recruiting. For example, if you’re employing a ReactJS developer on a full-time basis, make sure the job description includes the following:

  • Strong HTML, CSS, and JavaScript abilities.
  • Knowledge of RESTful APIs and state management using tools such as Redux.
  • Aptitude for addressing problems and effective communication.

Select the Proper Offshore Hiring Approach

There are other ways to hire people from abroad, such as outsourcing firms, specialized development teams, and freelancing platforms. Examine the project’s length, scope, and budget to see which approach best suits your requirements.

Freelance Platforms:

When to Use: The best time to use freelance platforms is for flexible, short-term work.

Why? Easy access to unique skills and economical for certain jobs.

Dedicated Development Teams

  • When to Use: for long-term initiatives.
  • Why? Because it guarantees consistency, devoted assistance, and comprehension.

Companies that Outsource: 

  • When to use them full outsourcing of the project.
  • Why: Full solution; all work is done by professionals.

Cross-Cultural Communication for Distance Understanding


Ascertain that your team can function effectively as a unit by acknowledging and honoring cultural differences. For example, in India, respect may be shown via indirect communication and hierarchy. It’s often flatter in structure and more straight in the West. Everyone can cooperate more effectively if they are aware of these disparities. This comprehension contributes to the development of a robust and varied team and fosters productive working relationships. 

Think About Fair Compensation

ReactJS developers earn a range of salaries depending on where they are hired and the cost of living here. For instance, compared to developers in North America. Developers in Easter European nations could have lower compensation expectations. To guarantee equitable remuneration, which helps to increase retention rates, be informed of the typical income expectations in the area from where you are recruiting. Prior to choosing the appropriate compensation for offshore reactjs engineers, it’s critical to understand local wage trends. 

Openness on the Hiring Site

In contrast to traditional recruiting techniques, hiring platforms provide customized solutions. They designate a designated point of contact and provide checklists for communication, linguistic, and technical capabilities. Platforms use these factors to pre-screen talent, which streamlines the recruiting process. In order to capitalize on this, employers must specify their needs in detail when offering a position. 


There is a genuine shortage of talent in the world for developers, but there is an international answer. ReactJS developers with extensive experience and qualifications may be found in India, especially when working with a reputable network for job placement like Uplers. This React Developer Hiring Guide offers insightful advice on how to streamline and improve the hiring process. 

We ensure that you obtain only the finest applicants by putting them through a thorough screening process that identifies the top 3.5% who have outstanding technical capabilities and cultural fit. You’ll discover the ideal match 10 times quicker and at a 40% cost advantage with our dedication to open hiring, economy, and efficiency.

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