A Complete Checklist on How to Hire Drupal Developer in 2024

by Developers for Hire
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A solid online presence is essential for businesses and organizations to succeed in the digital sphere, and Drupal CMS is excellent at using this power for content management systems. However, to fully use Drupal, you need the expertise of a seasoned Drupal Developer

This blog is your guide to finding a skilled Drupal programmer. It provides insights into the challenges of assembling a team for creating a Drupal website, and offers strategies to overcome these hurdles.  

By following the practical advice in this blog and staying abreast of industry developments, companies can build a robust team of Drupal programmers. These professionals will be adept at navigating the ever-evolving web design landscape. This blog is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to hire a Drupal developer with confidence and precision. 

What Makes a Drupal Developer Necessary?

The following is a list of the reasons you need Drupal developers:

Proficiency in Drupal Development and Architecture

Drupal developers are well-versed in the platform’s architecture and foundation. The development will need a deep understanding of the components since the platform is very expandable and modular. To ensure the website is functional and optimized, developers must manage the intricate system of content types, fields, modules, and themes. 

Personalization to Meet Specific Needs


Creating a website requires more than a one-size-fits-all approach. Because every site is different, a general strategy won’t work. Drupal developers are pros at tailoring the CMS to meet particular needs. They don’t just create websites, they craft unique digital experiences by customizing Drupal with unique modules, templates, and themes. 

Development and Integration of Modules

Drupal’s strength is the multitude of modules available to enhance functionality. Drupal web developers are skilled in integrating and configuring modules to improve a website’s operation. When off-the-shelf modules are inadequate, developers may design custom modules that handle unique functionality essential to the website’s objectives. 

Putting Responsive Web Design into Practice

In the mobile-first design era, websites must be accessible from any device. Drupal developers may guarantee an excellent user experience across PCs, smartphones, and tablets by using adaptable design. Modifying your website is critical to increasing search engine ranking and appealing to a wider audience. 

Optimizing Performance and Scalability

As a website expands, scalability becomes more critical. Drupal programmers are skilled at creating scalable websites that maintain functionality even under high traffic loads. The developer employs best practices, optimizes the code, and sets up caching systems to support the site’s responsiveness even when its complexity or user base increases. 

Application of Maintenance and Security


Being one of the most widely used content management systems, Drupal is a good candidate for vulnerabilities. Drupal developers are skilled at implementing strong security measures, such as patches and routine upgrades, to protect websites from attacks. They keep the website’s owner and its users secure on the Internet. 

Implementing Workflow and Content Management

Drupal is a great content management solution that effectively produces, edits, and arranges information. Drupal website development services set up the content management system (CMS) to facilitate efficient workflows and expedite content generation. It enables administrators and producers to manage content by ensuring that material is evaluated, published, and authorized in an efficient manner. 

Support from the Community and Ongoing Improvement

The community is really helpful for exchanging information, solving issues, and making constant improvements. Drupal developers actively participate in the community to keep up with the latest innovations, trends, and best practices. The group is dedicated to working together, exchanging knowledge, and learning, which guarantees that your website benefits from their combined expertise. 


How-to Guide for Hiring a Drupal Developer

Follow these steps to ensure you hire professional Drupal developers to build dynamic and scalable websites.

Establish Your Project’s Needs

Before you start the recruiting process:

  • Be sure your needs are precise.
  • Describe the functions, objectives, and features of your website or application.
  • Determine if you need a custom theme or custom module developed.
  • Assess the need for responsive design. You may engage with applicants more effectively and expedite the selection process with a well-defined project scope. 

Recognize the Ecosystem of Drupal

Learn about Drupal’s ecosystem to better understand the necessary abilities. Because Drupal is modular, a developer must understand how to create custom, theming, and core modules. If you have a thorough understanding of a content management system, you can ask more relevant questions and carry out more accurate assessments. 

Write a Comprehensive Job Description

When hiring a Drupal developer, be sure to provide a thorough job description that lists all the experience and qualifications you’re seeking. Make the duties and expectations of the role clear. In your job description, emphasize any technologies, frameworks, or modules pertinent to the project. Effectively crafted job descriptions attract competent applicants and establish clear expectations for the position. 

Make Use of Reputable Networks and Job Platforms


You may post job vacancies on job sites and networks to reach Drupal developers who have faith in them. You may contact possible applicants with the aid of websites like Indeed and Drupal.org. Reach out to developers via appropriate social media groups and the community. 

Examine Past Projects and Portfolios.

When candidates submit their portfolios and prior work, review them. It might be beneficial to check for websites that they created using Drupal. Note their intricacy, practicality, and layout. Robust portfolios show that a developer can create excellent projects and adjust to different project requirements. 

Evaluate Technical Proficiency and Knowledge

During technical interviews, ask applicants about their experience with Drupal. You may inquire about the development of modules, theming, and core functionality for Drupal. Ask them to apply real-world scenarios and problem-solving techniques. Examine their understanding of Drupal security procedures and gauge how well they can spot any weaknesses. 

Evaluation of Cooperation and Communication Skills

Effective communication and collaboration are essential to the success of any endeavor. Examine the applicants’ responses to questions and conceptual explanations to evaluate their communication skills. Find out whether the applicant has any prior experience dealing with clients or cross-functional teams. 

Examine the References

By contacting the references a candidate provides, you may learn more about their work ethic, dependability, and capacity for meeting deadlines. You might also enquire about the applicant’s problem-solving techniques, communication style, and compatibility with other team members. Referral checks might provide further information that should be included in interviews or resumes. 

Think About Cultural Fit

It is as crucial for Drupal specialists to blend in with your company’s culture as it is for their technical skills. Consider the corporate culture, values, and team dynamics. Verify if the candidate’s goals and values coincide with yours. An excellent cultural match may enhance practical cooperation and contribute to a harmonious and productive work environment. 

Competitive Salary

Provide competitive remuneration packages for devoted Drupal developers. Examine industry norms and benchmarks to ensure your pay package is competitive. To attract and retain top personnel, offer advantages like flexible work schedules, professional development training courses, and a welcoming workplace atmosphere. 

Provide Growth Opportunities


It is critical to keep abreast of all the latest advancements. Your company should emphasize its chances for professional and skill development. One way to help someone attend conferences or training courses is to provide financial assistance. 

Embarkation Successfully

Upon selecting the ideal development company for your project, make a significant investment in a comprehensive onboarding program. Show them the equipment and procedures used by your business. It is vital to have access to documents and resources. Onboarding is the secret to flawless integration. It guarantees that the developer will be able to participate right away. 

Hiring Drupal Developers: Difficulties

Hiring a Drupal developer might be difficult because of the specific knowledge and abilities they need.

Specific Knowledge Base

Proficiency in PHP (the framework used by Drupal), JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are among the specialist abilities needed for Drupal development. Proficiency in Drupal architecture, theming, module development, and database management is also required. Finding people with this skill set might take much work since it combines technical knowledge with previous Drupal project management expertise. 


  • Clearly state what technical expertise and experience are needed in your job description.
  • Applicants with a history in web development and strong PHP abilities must be considered. They’ll be able to adjust to different surroundings.
  • During interviews, evaluate applicants’ use of Drupal skills and their capacity to pick up new ones.

Small Candidate Pool

Drupal has a smaller pool of experienced developers than other web development technologies. The shortage is exacerbated by Drupal’sits unique features and learning curve. This can make it difficult for companies to find applicants with the Drupal experience they require, which might make skilled workers more competitive. 


  • Post job vacancies on Drupal-specific websites like Drupal.org to reach out to the community.
  • Attend conferences and gatherings to establish connections with applicants.
  • If a developer has potential in Drupal development but needs to gain allied skills, you may provide training and guidance.

Changing Technology Stack

The Drupal technological stack is ever-changing. Every year, Drupal releases new versions, including updates, enhancements, and architectural modifications. Hiring managers and developers want assistance in staying current with emerging releases and technologies. It is crucial to find people with Drupal expertise who are dedicated to staying current with new improvements. 


  • Throughout the hiring process, it’s critical to convey expectations for ongoing learning and growth.
  • Evaluating candidates’ awareness of Drupal upgrades, new releases, and community contributions is essential.
  • Training programs and Drupal events are among the learning materials and support that are offered.

Complex Project Needs

Many people use Drupal for complicated projects like big websites, business solutions, bespoke software, and web-based apps. It is crucial to work with a Drupal developer who can guide clients through challenging tasks and ensure their success. This requires assessing the developer’s aptitude for handling projects, grasp of business, and problem-solving techniques. 


  • By presenting real-life situations and problem-solving problems, a candidate’s ability to manage complicated projects may be evaluated.
  • Suitable candidates are those who have worked on projects of a similar scale or experience as you have.
  • In order to guarantee the accomplishment of project goals, stress the need for efficient teamwork and communication.

Participation in the Community and Soft Skills


Influential Drupal developers are technically proficient and actively involved in the community. Their participation in the community demonstrates their dedication to learning, imparting information, and keeping up with industry best practices. Assessing soft skills like cooperation, communication, and teamwork is just as important to the project’s success. 


  • Inquire about the candidate’s experience with Drupal, especially any forum or event participation.
  • Behavior questions and situations may be used to evaluate soft skills.
  • Applicants who strongly desire to share their expertise and become involved in the community must be considered.

Challenges of Remote Work

Because remote work is becoming more and more prevalent, hiring a Drupal specialist is becoming more challenging. Navigating the complexities of Drupal development may provide hurdles for remote workers; excellent teamwork, communication, and self-discipline are necessary to guarantee smooth project progress. A comprehensive assessment that goes beyond the technical abilities is required to overcome these obstacles. 


  • Inquire about a candidate’s prior experience working remotely throughout the interview.
  • During the technical evaluation, replicate remote work situations using collaboration tools and platforms.
  • Make clear what you anticipate from remote workers regarding collaboration, project updates, and communication.


Employing a Drupal developer requires a systematic, thorough, and sophisticated approach. Every stage of the recruiting procedure is crucial. Success is a result of all the factors involved, including utilizing reliable job boards, creating job descriptions, and comprehending the ecosystem. Assessing technical proficiency, evaluating teamwork and communication skills, and taking cultural fit is essential in selecting the ideal applicant.

You must be proactive and flexible to overcome obstacles like a specific skill set, a lack of applicants, a shifting technology stack, and complicated project requirements. Companies developing Drupal software should be open to considering applicants with relevant experience and potential, and they should promote and support both professional and personal development.

To hire a competent developer, you must find someone with the requisite technical abilities. This entails finding a candidate who can handle challenges, is in line with your company’s principles, and believes in lifelong learning.

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